The Jennings PTA is comprised of dedicated parents and staff working towards the common goal of enhancing our children's education and building a strong community. Volunteering not only supports our children's education but sets an example that will leave a lasting impression on our children. We hope everyone finds a way to get involved and any support is appreciated. There is truly something for everyone and we all have different talents to share. We hold monthly meetings and often have guest speakers. Babysitting is often provided at meetings free of charge by members of the staff. Please feel free to reach out to any of the board members below to get involved.


Jennings PTA 2024-2025 Executive Board


President: Amanda Sorrentino

2023/24 President: Luanne Sliva

2022/23 Presidents: Stephanie Reda, Katie Sullivan

President Elect: Vacant

Principal: Tony Vuolo

Teacher Reps: Fran Nolan, Vacant

Secretary:  Monica Torrance 

VP of In School Programs: Patricia Bernard, Jackie Trebing, Audrey Delfoe

VP of After School Programs: Megan Patzelt, Jenn Promis

VP of Fundraising: Kaitlyn Winterbottom, Millie Hobson

VP of Family Events: Ashley Cooke, Brian Hawe, Nicole Vereline

VP of Communications: Jessica Roffe

Volunteer Coordinators: Lisa Tambini, Vacant

Treasurer: Nicole Schoch

Board of Ed Delegates: Kristin O'Neill Hermes

Budget Review Delegates: Mahrukh Hoda

PTA Council Delegates: Ruchi Kapoor, Lindsay Allen

SEPTA Rep: Lindsay Allen

IDEA Rep: Amanda Moitoso